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Would a comic full of horror & fantasy actually have been degenerated art in the past then?
How cautious must enlightenment be nowadays, in the 21st century?
also available in german:
“Der Comic: Aleister und Adolf”
The new collaborative work of Douglas Rushkoff and Michael Avon Oeming is likely to “wake up” in many ways and will not just meet the comic fanatics taste.
If international bigwigs such as Douglas Rushkoff, so-called “thought leaders” – bluntly translated into the german language it would be “Gedankenführer” – are instrumenting art as medium it more often than not becomes more than just interesting!
Especially with his latest book “Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus” Rushkoff already clearly broaches an issue. I would subsume it as “speeding 300 in the direction of a wall the driver accelerates still!”. This means that Rushkoff not only bashes today’s way of doing business – No! He balances account with “our” way to treat assets and calls us to act – for the sake of mankind and mother earth in its entirety!
But, in addition to factual, professional systemic criticism, it becomes a matter of course when he is artistically, ambitiously and skillfully causing quite a stir even at hard-pressed “thinkers” by the amplifiying arts of Michael A. Oeming…
In the present comic and its archaic, symbolic forces of good & evil there is more than only clear signs!
It’s about much more than just victory and defeat. It is about the ideology of evil itself …
Using historical monsters to symbolize “life per se and the mortal behind” the comic not only oversubscribes but radicalizes in means of back to the roots!
a brief outline of the work
The media theorist and documentary Douglas Rushkoff releases an iconographic narrative featuring mystics and horrors. Aiming into a torn Europe, the story stretches from “a here and now scenario” back to the “Hitlerzeit”, into an abstruse past. Leaping generations, an Aleister Crowley and an Adolf Hitler become main characters struggling for rule.
Symbols and signs become more and more not just capacitors of thoughts and ideas. They are declared to be weapons and become a “true occupation”.
The reader is rapidly, enormously and confusingly taken away into a bizarre world of the occult and finally torn away by delusions. The evil of the evil is displayed without ifs and buts.
For those expecting amusement: You will be gripped by slanting fascination and get delivered plenty of stuff for restlessness!
- Who is the hero?
- What is the mission?
- What is the gist of the matter “Des Pudels Kern”?
Lower motivations intermingle with higher goals and show up with long lasting and intense effects up to now.
This gloomy-magical narrative is neither to be considered as a chimera nor as a historical work.
But one thing is certain: Synapses are activated which may make some readers unpleasant feelings …
“Ich bin ein Teil von jener Kraft, die stets das Böse will und stets das Gute schafft.”
I am a part of that power which always wants evil and always creates the good.
Goethe’s Faust“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
Arthur C. Clarke“Man muß in den Dreck hineingeschlagen haben, um zu wissen, wie weit er spritzt.”
You must have hammered into dirt to know how far it spurts.
Wilhelm Rabe“Ich gehe mit dir bis ans Ende der Welt. Und dann schubs’ ich dich.”
I’ll follow you to the end of the world. And then I’ll push you.
Anonym/WhatsApp“Der Mensch liebt zu schaffen und Wege zu bahnen, das ist nicht zu bestreiten.
Aber weshalb liebt er auch die Zerstörung und das Chaos bis zur Leidenschaft?
Vielleicht weil er instinktiv fürchtet, sein Ziel zu erreichen und das zu schaffende Gebäude zu vollenden?
Woher wissen Sie, ob er nicht das Gebäude nur aus der Ferne und keineswegs in der Nähe liebt?”
man loves to create and to pave the way, that is not to dispute.
but why does he also love destruction and chaos to passion?
Perhaps because he instinctively fears to achieve his goal and complete the building to be created?
How do you know if he does not love the building only from afar, and not at all?
Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski“Wer zulange gegen Drachen kämpft, wird selbst zum Drachen.”
Whoever fights against dragons will become a dragon.
August Strindberg
Inspirationen, Quellen und interessante Adressen im Netz
Broken Frontier COM: “3 reasons why you need to read Aleister ‘n’ Adolf” 3-reasons-need-read-aleister-adolf-rushkoff-oeming
disinfo COM: “Occult Graphic Novel Aleister & Adolf by Douglas Rushkoff” 2016/02/occult-graphic-novel-aleister-adolf-by-douglas-rushkoff
Force of Geek COM: “FOG! Chats With ‘Aleister & Adolf’ Creators Douglas Rushkoff and Michael Avon Oeming” 2016/11/fog-chats-with-aleister-adolf-creators-douglas-rushkoff-and-michael-avon-oeming
Laughing Squid COM:
“Aleister & Adolf, Crowley Attempts to Defeat Hitler in New Fantasy Graphic Novel by Douglas Rushkoff” aleister-adolf-crowley-attempts-to-defeat-hitler-in-new-fantasy-graphic-novel-by-douglas-rushkoff
Den of Geek COM: “Douglas Rushkoff Reimagines Aleister & Adolf In Occult Graphic Novel” us/books-comics/aleister-adolf/253238/douglas-rushkoff-reimagines-aleister-adolf-in-occult-graphic-novel
Illuminati Watcher COM: “Aleister & Adolf: An Interview with Michael Oeming”
Rushkoff COM: “FADE TO BLACK – ALEISTER AND ADOLF WITH MICHAEL OEMING AND JIMMY CHURCH” fade-black-aleister-adolf-michael-oeming-jimmy-church
Canary Cry Radio COM: “Aleister Crowley and Adolf Hitler: The Ideology of Evil”
Dark Horse COM: “Aleister & Adolf – A perception-altering narrative from media maverick Douglas Rushkoff!” Books/22-835/Aleister-Adolf-HC
Bleeding Cool COM: “Aleister & Adolf: The Symbols that control us” 2016/11/10/aleister-adolf-symbols-control-us
Gut Zitiert DE: “Zitate & Sprüche – Das Böse”
Comics Alliance COM: “History’s Monsters: Douglas Rushkoff and Michael Avon Oeming Take On ‘Aleister & Adolf’” rushkoff-oeming-aleister-adolf
Wikipedia ORG: “Entartete Kunst”
Zeitklicks DE: “Was ist entartete Kunst?”
Focus DE: “Was bedeutet eigentlich entartete Kunst?”
Süddeutsche DE: “Kunst im Nationalsozialismus: Entartete und Gottbegnadete” politik/kunst-im-nationalsozialismus-entartete-und-gottbegnadete-1.2496756
Focus DE: “Entartete Kunst: So brutal ging as NS Regime gegen unliebsame Künster vor” wissen/mensch/geschichte/tid-34520/entartete-kunst-so-brutal-ging-das-ns-regime-gegen-unliebsame-kuenstler-vor_aid_1150015
Bildung Galerie: “Adolf Hitler – Freimauereragent und Zionist?”
Heise DE: “Der böseste Mann von der Welt: Aleister Crowley und die Schrecken der Magie” tp/features/Der-boeseste-Mann-von-der-Welt-Aleister-Crowley-und-die-Schrecken-der-Magie-3420243
Tobias Churton: “Aleister Crowley: The Beast in Berlin: Art, Sex, and Magick in the Weimar”
Teeming Brain COM: “Aleister Crowley …”
…It’s odd how many academic disciplines grew out of the study of trance or ecstatic states. . . . Psychology, neurology, sociology and anthropology all began, in the late 19th century …
Wikipedia ORG: “Clarkesche Gesetze”
Corporate Gameforge COM: “Moderne Technik oder dunkle Magie?”
Literaturkritik DE: “Magische Moderne?”
Robert Stockhammers Studie über die Wiederkehr der Magie und die Literatur (1880-1945)
Amazon DE: “Zwischen Magie und moderner Technik” Zwischen-Magie-moderner-Technik-Broszinsky-Schwabe/dp/B002AV3BQW
Gizmodo COM: “Technology isn’t magic – Why Clarke’s Third Law always bugged me”
World Building: “Magic vs. Modern Technology”
TV Tropes ORG: “The Magic Versus Technology War”
Wandelforum DE: “Aufklärung im 21. Jahrhundert: Sapere aude – oder das ewige Ringen um den eigenen Verstand”
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E Politik DE: “Die Epoche der Aufklärung im 21. Jahrhundert”
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