CryptoCurrencies: Final Fireworks or Dawn of a New Era?

bitcoin charts 2017 cryptocurrency fintech blockchain fireworks or decent trend the future of money

bitcoin charts 2017 cryptocurrency fintech blockchain fireworks or decent trend the future of money

Andere Sprache / other language: German

Revisited: Bitcoins and other Crypto Currencies based on the BlockChain

Can you remember the times 2012/2013?

I can remember it because I was in the middle of a personal rush on this topic 🙂

Bitcoins and a wave of media interest on “digitally produced and managed money” …

Then in 2014 I reflected on this astonishing personal journey and the extracted takeaways by presenting some slides in the manner of
“bitcoins and blockchain-based crypto-currencies in a nutshell”
to a small german spoken group in Woergl the hometown of the “Woergler Freigeld of 1932/1933”:




Today I make a short REVISIT to the topic ’cause so many people are seeking a piece of advice in the last few weeks.

Well its producing emotions again … 

Well let’s wind back to 2012/2013 by looking at some charts:

Already in April 2013 there was a highrise phase and sharp volume and price correction within a few days:

The bitcoin crash 2013

The bitcoin crash 2013

But then the whole story took a much more decent story for the rest of the year:

bitcoin 2013 up and down

bitcoin up and down in

In volume and price the first movements in April 2013 were only a bagatelle compared to the Nov/Dec happenings then.

Within a month there was a rise from a baseline price of 200 USD up to peak price of approx. 1.100 USD going down
in the next month straight into the cellar and heading for a halfing!

Not to forget that many many people lost their heads AND their real money through the disaster of Mt.Gox in 2013!

And after that beginning 2014 it lingered around for nearly two years:
(within the range of 550 down to 181 up to 550)


Bitcoins Feb’14 – Aug’16



So now winding forward again to the current, crucial moments of cryptocurrencies and their electrocardiogram in form of charts:

bitcoin 2016 - 2017 current development and the tantalizing expectations of the market

Bitcoin Aug’16 – May’17

You see a fascinating “recharge” of the situation!

Up from ~550 to ~1.300 without major overreactions except some corrections on its way.
AND for the last few days … tata BACK INTO A CRAZY STORY !

So what is your guess for now?

  • Is it a tipping point for the whole crypto-currency story?
  • Is it only another speculation bubble?
  • Is the whole market reacting now on the rule changing possibilities of decentral money and transaction management?

I give you some more insights on a broader basis for those questions …

How are other, mainly traded crypto-currencies performing in means of price charts?
(selected and sorted based on the topic market capitalization numbers)








Stellar Lumens

You see what happens there?

Crazy times ahead!

So what is Google Trends saying to this?

Is there any thing to learn from the visibility and propensity of search?

Yes there is:

During the timeframe of 2012-2014 there was a real hype for “bitcoin” but not even the slightest search volume on the baseline terms behind like “cryptocurrency”, “blockchain” or “fintech”.
But have a look! There is an upcoming trend on this all over the world and it’s still in its infancy:


google trends bitcoin cryptocurrency blockchain fintech chart

google trends: bitcoin, cryptocurrency , blockchain, fintech chart

So what about investments in this?

FinTech Activities measured in investment dollars

VC money in fintech



But a whole bunch of questions are there when people are searching this horizon …

  • Do I turn my real dollars into crypto-money now?
  • Which currency and what baseline technology behind is the right one?
  • Will this revolution will be lead and won by new players or the major players of the established banking ecosystem?
  • Are current and future waves of  price evaluations in any way manageable or just a more sophisticated kind of gambling?
  • Wherein are the still hidden and latent major profit potentials  to lift the treasures of our upcoming digital wealth?

For me, as an active member of coop.DIGITAL and one of the leading experts in complementary currency systems , there is a clear road map on hand.

By conducting far-reaching rounds of research within a peer network a spirited group of masterminds  has issued an Erfolgsfeld-Report on this:

Erfolgsfeld Report digital wealth 2017

Erfolgsfeld Report digital wealth 2017

Digital Wealth 2017

german spoken excerpts:

Magazin Heinz Hafner DE
Journal Natur Mensch . DIGITAL
Wenn Gold und Bitcoins heiraten
the marriage of gold and bitcoins

Magazin Heinz Hafner DE
Journal Natur Mensch . DIGITAL
Wer läuft denn gleich Davos?
Who is running right Davos?

For interessted parties to become part of COOP.DIGITAL
please send inquiry to
including a personal profile / decent background information
As an open-minded, invitation only peer group we will consider every earnest party
and invest serious thought.

Inspiring, Sources, and Interesting Sites on the Net

Bitcoin Magazine COM
April 10th, 2013: The BitCoin Crash: An Examination

The Guardian COM
Bitcoin Mt. Gox Scandal

Coin Market Cap COM
CryptoCurrency Market Capitalizations

Block Chain INFO
Die vertrauenswĂĽrdige Quelle fĂĽr Daten ĂĽber die Bitcoin blockchain.

CB Insights COM
Accenture: Fintech and Banking

History Of Bitcoin ORG
An Interactive Timeline on the Evolving History of BitCoins

Digital Wealth Insights COM
a service for professionals to nurture understanding for digital wealth management
(robo advice) market

Hubbis COM
Digital Wealth Asia 2017


Another Erfolgsfeld-Report:


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